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   This was a project that started with a group of people who loved the idea of inventing a Portuguese electric sports car.


   The car would be 100% electric with one engine on each wheel and a turbine to power up the energy. Our concept has the possibility of coverting water flow to electric power in the same way that dams do, through a turbine. It is projected to have three seats, one at the front and two rear seats, much like the “Mercedes McLaren F1”.


   Unfortunately, due to external circumstances, my colleagues were forced to abandon the project. I was not held back by this and have kept working on it to practice my modelling techniques and to take advantage of this complex and exciting area of work.

Pedro Carvalho, 2013

Electric Sports Car

3d Render
3d Render
3d Render
3d Render
3d Render
3d Render
3d print
3d print
3d print
3d print
3d print
3d print
3d print & ceramic
3d print & ceramic
3d print & ceramic
3d print & ceramic
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